Australian Silky Terrier
General Appearance | Compact, moderately low-set, medium length with refined structure; sufficient substance to suggest ability to hunt and kill domestic rodents. Straight silky hair parted from nape of neck to root of tail, presenting a well-groomed appearance. |
Characteristics | Terrier-like, keen, alert, active. |
Temperament | Very friendly, quick and responsive. |
Head and Skull | Moderate length, slightly shorter in length from tip of nose to between eyes than from there to top rear of occiput. Moderately broad between ears; skull flat, without fullness between eyes. Nose black. |
Eyes | Relatively small, round, dark as possible, not prominent, keen intelligent expression. |
Ears | Small V-shaped, with fine leathers, high on skull and pricked; entirely free from long hair. |
Mouth | Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Teeth even and not cramped, lips tight and clean. |
Neck | Medium length, refined, slightly arched. Well covering with long silky hair. |
Forequarters | Shoulders fine, well laid back, well angulated upper arms fitting snugly to ribs; elbows turn neither in nor out; forelegs straight with refined round bone, set well under body with no weakness in pasterns. |
Body | Slightly longer than height. Level topline; well sprung ribs extending back to strong loins. Chest of moderate depth and breadth. |
Hindquarters | Thighs well developed. Stifles well turned; when viewed from behind, the hocks well let down and parallel. |
Feet | Small, well padded and cat-like. Closely knit toes with black or very dark toenails. |
Tail | Previously customarily docked. Docked: Carried erect; not over-gay. Free from long feathering. Undocked: Carried erect, not over-gay. Free from long feathering. Length to give an overall well-balanced appearance. |
Gait/Movement | Free, straight forward without slackness at shoulders or elbows. No turning sideways of feet or pasterns. Hindquarters have strong propelling power with ample flexibility at stifles and hocks. Viewed from behind, movement neither too close nor too wide. |
Coat | Straight, fine and glossy; silky texture; length of coat 13-15 cms (5-6 ins) from behind ears to set-on of tail desirable. Legs, from knees and hocks to feet, free of long hair. Fine silky ‘top-knot’, not falling over eyes. Long fall of hair on foreface and cheeks undesirable. |
Colour | Blue and tan, grey-blue and tan, the richer these colours the better. Blue on tail very dark. Distribution of blue and tan as follows: Silver-blue or fawn top-knot, tan around base of ears, muzzle and on side of cheeks; blue from base of skull to tip of tail, running down forelegs to near knees and down thighs to hocks; tan line showing down stifles, and tan from knees and hocks to toes and around vent. Blue colour must be established by 18 months of age. |
Size | Most desirable weight about 4 kgs (8-10 lbs). Height approximately 23 cms (9 ins) at withers, bitches may be slightly less. |
Faults | Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. |
Notes | Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. |