General Appearance Smart, workmanlike, well balanced and compact.
Characteristics Gay, fearless demeanour, keen of expression, quick of movement, on the tip-toe of expectation.
Temperament Bold, friendly and self-confident.
Head and Skull Well balanced. Skull flat and refined. Jaws powerful and muzzle broad but not too long.
Length of head from stop to tip of nose not exceeding that from occiput to stop.
Nose black, except in liver-coated dogs when the nose will be liver.
Eyes Dark or hazel. Slanting eyes undesirable.
Ears Moderately small, V-shaped and carried alertly. Set neither too high nor too low on head.
Mouth Teeth even with perfect, regular scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Neck Reachy, slightly arched, free from throatiness.
Forequarters Shoulders well laid back. Forelegs straight, well boned.
Body Chest reasonably narrow. Back strong, moderately short and well coupled.
Hindquarters Strong and muscular. Thighs long and powerful with well turned stifles. Hocks low to ground and straight.
Feet Small, compact, round and well padded.
Tail Previously customarily docked.
Docked: Well set on, carried gaily but not over back or curled.
Undocked: Well set on, carried gaily but not over back or curled. In overall balance with the rest of dog.
Gait/Movement Fore- and hindlegs carried straight forward and parallel. Elbows move perpendicular to body, working free of sides,
stifles turning neither in nor out. Good drive coming from well flexing hindquarters.
Coat Dense, harsh and weather-resisting with good undercoat.
Colour Black and tan, blue and tan, red, wheaten, red grizzle, liver, blue or black.
Small tips of white on feet and chest undesirable but permissible. Mahogany or deep tan not typical.
Size Height not exceeding 37 cms (141/2 ins) at shoulder. Average weight: dogs: 8 kgs (17 lbs); bitches: 7 kgs (15 lbs).
Faults Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should
be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
Notes Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
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