General Appearance | Small, low, keen dog, compact and strong with good substance and bone. Honourable scars from fair wear and tear not to be unduly penalised. |
Characteristics | One of the smallest of the terriers. Lovable disposition, not quarrelsome, tremendously active with hardy constitution. |
Temperament | Gay and fearless. |
Head and Skull | Muzzle wedge-shaped and strong. In length two-thirds of measurement from occiput to bottom of well defined stop. Slightly rounded, wide skull, good width between ears. |
Eyes | Small, oval-shaped, dark, full of expression, bright and keen. |
Ears | Erect, set well apart on top of skull. Medium size with pointed tips. Perfectly erect when aroused, can be laid back when not at attention. |
Mouth | Tight-lipped, jaws clean and strong. Rather large, strong teeth with perfect, regular scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. |
Neck | Strong of good length, commensurate with correct overall balance, flowing into well laid shoulders. |
Forequarters | Legs short, powerful and straight; elbows close to body. Pasterns firm and upright. |
Body | Short back, compact with good depth. Ribcage long and well sprung with short loin. Level topline. |
Hindquarters | Broad, strong and muscular, well turned stifle. Low-set hock with great propulsion. |
Feet | Rounded, well padded and cat-like. Pointing straight forward standing and moving. |
Tail | Docking previously optional. (a) Medium docked. Set high, completing perfectly level topline. Carried erect. (b) Tail of moderate length to give a general balance to dog, thick at root and tapering towards tip, as straight as possible, carried jauntily, not excessively gay, completing perfectly level topline. |
Gait/Movement | Forelegs should move straight forward when travelling; hind legs follow in their track; hocks parallel and flexing to show pads. |
Coat | Hard, wiry, straight, lying close to body, thick undercoat. Longer and rougher on neck forming a ruff to frame face. Hair on head and ears short and smooth, except for slight whiskers and eyebrows. |
Colour | All shades of red, wheaten, black and tan or grizzle. White marks or patches are undesirable. |
Size | Ideal height at withers 25 cms (10 ins). |
Faults | Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. |
Notes | Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. |